Preparation For Moses Death
The enemies who bring God’s judgment on Israel were as evil as Sodom and Gomorrah (v. 32). This points out the depth of evil into which Israel had fallen. Through this detailed analysis of the law, it has been made clear that God’s standards are absolute and that He will not tolerate sin. Even …
Jeroboam’s Evil Reign in Israel
While Amaziah was being held prisoner in Israel, Jehoash, king of Israel, died. When this happened, Amaziah was released and returned to Judah. Azariah (referred to as Uzziah later), his son, had been acting as king while he was in prison. Now Amaziah resumes his reign over Judah …
Qualities Needed in Trials
The thought of this scripture passage, as it pertains to the Word of God, may be described as follows: (1) It demands attention (vv. 19-20). We don’t hear enough because we are too quick to speak. The Lord gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. (2) It demands reception (v. 21) …