The Destruction of Sodom
Two angels paid Lot a visit in Sodom (v. 1). Lot “was sitting in the gateway to the city (v. 1), the place for leaders and judges to sit. Lot was likely a leader of the community. Knowing the sexual immorality that prevailed in Sodom, Lot offered hospitality for the night to protect these guests …
Lessons From God’s Past Judgment
Having briefly referred to the plagues in Egypt (v. 12), the author now describes some of them in greater detail. The death of the first-born was the last and worst of the plagues of Egypt, and that which perfected the deliverance of Israel. If gentler methods would have done the …
The Lord’s Discipline
David states that his sin had led to health problems (vv. 1-8) and separated him from God and others causing extreme loneliness (vv. 9-14). He has been deserted by his friends and threatened by his foes. His only hope is to trust in the Lord. David knew he had sinned and a …
The Judgment is Fair
The theme of this Psalm is that the judgment of God is fair and just to all. Judgment upon David’s enemies comes from the Lord, and this is true for us as well. The instructions are to sing praises to the Lord and tell the world about his unforgettable deeds (v.11). He cares for the helpless and He …
David Knows God’s Judgment is Fair
David let God be his defense (v. 10). He appeals to God to ascend to His judgment seat. God tests the hearts and minds (v. 9). Nothing is hidden from God. This can be either terrifying or comforting. We don’t have to try to impress God or to put on a false front. Instead, we can trust God to help us …
Destroying Others to Make Yourself Look Good
This psalm was written because of the treachery of a man named Doeg (I Samuel 21-22). He was an informer during the reign of David and his career as a terrorist was built on slander and deceit. The tongue of this clever man revealed his evil and corrupt character. His words, shar …
Judgment on Judah And Jerusalem
In this chapter Isaiah denounces the sins of the people and especially those of the different upper class. He warns the people of Judah that God will take away their leadership and everything they have been depending on for their survival (vv 1-3). In place of their nationa …
Four riders on different horses
Chapter 6 is a pivotal chapter in the book of Revelation. By this time the Christians have been raptured (I Thessalonians. 5:13-18). It describes the first six seal judgments and introduces the seventh seal. The day of the Lord and the time of God’s judgments on earth before Christ visually …
Proclamation Against Ammon
Ezekiel had already pronounced judgment on Ammon (21:28-32). Now Ammon was singled out to head the list of nations that would feel the sting of divine judgment (vv. 1-2). Ammon and Israel had been in conflict since the time of Jephthah during the period of the Judges (Jud …
Corruption of Israel
In the next three chapters Isaiah pronounces five woes on those who scorn God’s word. A sixth “woe” is found in (Isa. 33:1). Interspersed with these “woes” of judgment are promises of restoration and glory. Isaiah is pronouncing this series of “woes” …