Gamaliel Convinces the Council
On their second appearance before the Sanhedrin the apostles found an unexpected helper – Gamaliel, a Pharisee (vv. 33-34). He was highly respected and loved. He was a kindly man with a far wider tolerance than his fellows. When the Sanhedrin seemed likely to resort to violent …
Giving is More Important Than Getting
This is the story of the persecution of Jeremiah. Zedekiah is now the king, but he, like his predecessors, refused to listen and obey the word of God as delivered by Jeremiah (vv. 1-2). The king calls for Jeremiah to pray for the land (v. 3). Jeremiah’s reply was not what t …
An Example from Paul’s Life
Paul offers his own life as an example to Timothy (v. 10). Timothy has seen for himself how Paul has lived, taught and suffered for the sake of the gospel. Now he must also expect to suffer if he truly follows Christ. On his first missionary journey, Paul was expelled from Pisidi …
Following Christ May Bring Persecution
Peter explains how the Christian who stands true to Christ during persecution doesn’t do evil. Christ never returned evil for evil and the Christian who has the right attitude of Christ toward suffering will not strike out against his persecutors …
Early Church Persecuted for their Faith
This chapter records the first persecutions of the early church. In the Gospels we find great opposition coming from the Pharisees. However, As Peter and John were speaking to the people they were confronted by a group of Sadducees and arrested (vv. 1-4). In Acts it is the Sadducees …
The Persecuted Church at Smyrna
The letter to Smyrna, the shortest of the seven letters, was written to Christians being persecuted not only by pagan Gentiles but also by hostile Jews and by Satan himself. Smyrna, a large city, rebuilt by Alexander the Great, was wealthy and famous…